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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > be on the door का अर्थ

be on the door इन हिंदी

be on the door उदाहरण वाक्य
टिकट जाँच का कार्य करना
be:    जीना ठहरना
be on:    शर्त लगाया होना
on:    लगातार लगा हुआ आगे
the:    वही यह वह वही वह
door:    इमारत कमरा घर
उदाहरण वाक्य
1.Hopkins said the airline is already talking with suppliers and the bars should be on the doors within a matter of weeks.

2.Then he proclaimed that soon " the name of Yves Saint Laurent will be on the door of the Grand Gallery ."

3.Dempsey would later joke onstage that when he got the call from O'Connor to join the tour, he assumed it would be on the door as a bouncer.

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