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channel allocation इन हिंदी

channel allocation उदाहरण वाक्य

चैनल विनियोजन
सरणि विनियोजन
channel:    तंग समुद्र चैनल तह
allocation:    निर्धारण आवंटन
उदाहरण वाक्य
1.Every channel allocation in the Green Bay and 9 in Wausau ).

2.Strong edge coloring has applications in channel allocation schemes for wireless networks.

3.WSJV moved its channel allocation to the stronger channel 28 in 1958.

4.South Africa also has a 23-channel allocation between 29.710 MHz and 29.985 MHz.

5.The ministry is closing applications Sept . 1 for channel allocation on the satellite.

6.WLPC-LP, using an unprotected channel allocation, was forced off the air at that time.

7.The standard channel allocations for most of Europe are 7 MHz wide and are as follows:

8.UHF CB Channel Allocation is Channel 5 Emergency, Channel 11 Call Channel, Channel 40 Truckers or Highway

9.On July 13, 1998, the station was upgraded again to become WGNX-LP and gained its current channel allocation.

10.DSFN can be considered as a combination of packet scheduling, macro-diversity and dynamic channel allocation ( DCA ).

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