| 1. | A Task Force is simply a Light Force coupled with an Engine.
| 2. | The idea is to try to force couples to stay together.
| 3. | Government spokesmen said the fault clauses forced couples into bitter recriminatory sessions in court.
| 4. | In San Francisco, bike messengers report a smaller work force coupled with decreased earnings.
| 5. | Forcing couples to attend marriage counseling before the state issues a marriage license would cut down on divorces.
| 6. | It can be a painful decision, since it forces couples to confront lingering feelings about years of infertility treatment.
| 7. | This had become more frequent in the wake of rapid development which forced couples to seek employment, hence the day-care centres.
| 8. | His tee shot, resting 6 inches from Rae's Creek, forced Couples to take a stance with one foot in the water.
| 9. | The idea is to force couples to use this time to work out differences and find a way to preserve their union.
| 10. | The sore back that forced Couples to miss seven tournaments this season and pushed him to the brink of Wadkins'scrap pile is much better.