| 1. | These individuals were often guided in their actions by the hacker ethic.
| 2. | Some say the Schwartz case has killed the hacker ethic.
| 3. | Hacker ethics are concerned primarily with sharing, openness, collaboration, and engaging in the hands-on imperative.
| 4. | All three generations of hackers, according to Levy, embodied the principles of the hacker ethic.
| 5. | The free software movement was born in the early 1980s from followers of the hacker ethic.
| 6. | If this was done, it would never grow and truly spread the word of the hacker ethic.
| 7. | You always hear people talking about this so called hacker ethic and I really do believe that.
| 8. | "' Hacker ethic "'is a term for the moral values and philosophy that are common in hacker culture.
| 9. | It goes with the hacker ethic.
| 10. | Although she is described in a recent book, " The Hacker Ethic, " as " a 16-year-old hacker,"