| 1. | Associated with the granite batholith was the creation of numerous mineral veins.
| 2. | Some time after its deposition, mineral veins were formed in the limestone.
| 3. | Mineral veins can also be seen within the limestone of the dale.
| 4. | The mineral veins of the Bowland series have been exploited for lead ore.
| 5. | The main mineral veins were exploited in the mines of Colonne, Licony e Larsinaz.
| 6. | It produced some mineral veins with lead, silver, zinc, copper and tin-tungsten skarn at Kara.
| 7. | In strip mining, huge machines tear away all the rock and earth above a mineral vein.
| 8. | In 1853, W B Lead began driving the Park Level Mine, which eventually intersected 11 mineral veins.
| 9. | Sarabauite can be found there in mineral veins through altered limestone containing quartz, wollastonite, calcite, stibnite and senarmonite.
| 10. | Also associated with the granite batholith was the creation of "'mineral veins "'in parts of the Lake District.