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rosmarinus officinalis वाक्य

"rosmarinus officinalis" हिंदी मेंrosmarinus officinalis in a sentence
उदाहरण वाक्यमोबाइल
  • The larvae feed on " Rosmarinus officinalis ".
  • They have been recorded feeding on dry leaves and plant debris on the stem and branches of " Rosmarinus officinalis ".
  • By the way, the picture in our article looks more like Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) to me .-- talk ) 18 : 42, 6 April 2010 ( UTC)
  • The oil in rosemary leaves ( " Rosmarinus officinalis " ), in the mint family, contains 10 to 20 % camphor, while camphorweed ( " Heterotheca " ) only contains some 5 %.
  • Some forms of the culinary herb rosemary ( " Rosmarinus officinalis " ) form prostrate shrubs when grown in Mediterranean climates, although they die back to the ground when grown where winters are colder.
  • Rosmarinus officinalis figured prominently in literature, folklore and sacred texts long before 1390, when it was first mentioned in " The Forme of Cury, " the earliest surviving culinary text, as an essential element to salad.
  • "' Taxodone "'is a naturally occurring diterpenoid found in " Taxodium distichum " ( Bald Cypress ), " Rosmarinus officinalis " ( Rosemary ), several Salvia species and other plants, along with its oxidized rearrangement product, taxodione.
  • Taxodone and its oxidized rearrangement product, taxodione, are diterpenoid quinone methides found in " Taxodium distichum " ( bald cypress ), " Rosmarinus officinalis " ( rosemary ), several " Salvia " species and other plants, that display anticancer, antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, insecticide, and antifeedant activities.

rosmarinus officinalis sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for rosmarinus officinalis? rosmarinus officinalis English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.