| 41. | The old couch obviously now belongs to Biddy.
| 42. | "biddy " and " fogey " came in last.
| 43. | That's Biddy shrieking like a fishwife.
| 44. | Biddy said he wants the first day back to be a regular school day.
| 45. | Biddy said he called the police when the plaintiffs became rowdy and threatened him.
| 46. | An associate confirmed that he didn't represent Biddy but declined additional comment.
| 47. | With Biddy and me it's different.
| 48. | Biddy looks at me, but doesn't respond so I try again.
| 49. | Biddy was suffering from a urinary tract irritation.
| 50. | Her full name is Miss Biddy Bother, sometimes