Physicians Health Services, a health maintenance organization based in Trumbull, Conn ., is eliminating capitation fees for individual physicians and resuming fee-for-service payments.
Some plans are even moving away from charging monthly capitation fees for each member, said Kenneth L . Sperling, a consultant at Hewitt Associates.
In February 2002, students filed a case against Mercedes Benz International School, a prestigious school in Pune for allegedly collecting'capitation fees'under the guise of a building donation fund.
Since HMOs are paid a capitation fee for each enrollee, rising patient demands for benefits and costs of medical care will inevitably collide with Medicare's relentless need to economize.
On the other hand, various private colleges have defended capitation fee on the ground that it avails institutions with funds to reinvest in the institution to impart quality education.
Many business schools provide only the data related to the officially recognised fee for the ranking providers, while taking fee from students under various other parameters ( including capitation fee ).
Moreover, both the intervener and the third respondent mentioned that there were no provision either in the constitution of India or under any other law which prevented the charging of capitation fee.
"' Capitation fee "'refers to an illegal transaction whereby an organisation that provides ( or supposedly provides ) educational services collects a fee that is more than what is approved by regulatory norms.
Groups in several states are taking aim at " capitation, " the practice of paying physicians a set amount _ the so-called capitation fee _ for each health-plan member who enrolls as their patient.
Capitation fees are generally seen as a main revenue generator that private institutions may charge, which contend that admissions that cater to affordable sections of society somehow affects the overall number of students educated.