| 31. | A " cage " for interrogation of prisoners was established in each command area, manned by officers trained by Scotland.
| 32. | This crisis spread and in March 1957, the military commander of East Indonesia imposed martial law over his command area.
| 33. | "' Kodam VII / Wirabuana "'is a military command area ( effectively a military district ) of the Military of Indonesia.
| 34. | Her flight command area was heavily modified to represent the control room and living quarters of the fictional space ship crew.
| 35. | The reservoir when completed will irrigate a command area of 12, 500 Acres and will have hydro-power capacity of 300 KW.
| 36. | The 21 police stations or " divisions " are grouped geographically into four command areas, each known as a " bureau ."
| 37. | Submarines operating between the two commands were required to either enable or disable it, depending on which command area they were in.
| 38. | In 2008, there were more than 20 CIWS systems protecting bases in the U . S . Central Command area of operations.
| 39. | The SSP aims at irrigating culturable command area ( CCA ) of 16, 770 km 2 with 70 per cent irrigation intensity.
| 40. | Troops were liberally distributed within Arnold's command area ( but only minimally at West Point itself ) or furnished to Washington on request.