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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > governing class उदाहरण वाक्य

governing class उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
21.The governing classes were of course Russians, who constituted also the merchants and industrial working class, such as it was.

22.Roosevelt decided to drop out of law school, later saying, " I intended to be one of the governing class ."

23.In the Tang dynasties, root carving works not only prevailed in folk, but they were also cherished by the governing class.

24.The architects of this upheaval do not come from some long-suppressed party or minority, but from the Korean governing class itself.

25.The disaster at Yorktown broke the morale of the governing class in London and paralyzed Britain's national will to make war.

26.Even in Italy, Huxley and Darwin were awarded honorary medals and most of the Italian governing class was hostile to the papacy.

27.Among the governing classes there were initial fears that the assassination might be part of a general insurrection, or might spark one.

28.Under Fritchey's urbane tutelage, we got an education in the wily ways of the governing class that no college could ever teach.

29.The non-Muslim aristocracy around Merv supported the Abbasids, and thus retained their status as a privileged governing class regardless of religious belief.

30.The governing class should be mollified by a pending agreement to slash the American nuclear arsenal to fewer than 2, 000 warheads.

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