| 11. | The institution was opened in June 1894 when seven Mother Lode.
| 12. | This is interlaced with lode and deposits of mafic silicate material.
| 13. | The mine had a " tremendously rich lode of uranium pitchblende.
| 14. | The Americans set up huge dredges and mined primary lode deposits.
| 15. | There is no evidence that the Lode was navigable beyond Soham.
| 16. | Matrix minerals in the lode are quartz and / or baryte.
| 17. | Talk television is clearly trying to tap into this lode of disaffection.
| 18. | There are 150 levels in this version of Lode Runner.
| 19. | That lode is also going unmined for lack of money.
| 20. | The result is a mother lode of examples, vignettes and solutions.