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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > myiasis उदाहरण वाक्य

myiasis उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
31.This fly is implicated in some public health issues; it can cause accidental myiasis, and also infects fish and livestock.

32.Because " C . bezziana " is an agent of myiasis, public concern has been raised over this fly.

33.For example the first time myiasis is referred to is should be followed by a parenthetical remark describing approximately what it is.

34.Most other species of flies implicated in myiasis are members of related families, such as blowflies and screwworm flies in the Calliphoridae.

35.The principal control method of adult populations of myiasis inducing flies involves insecticide applications in the environment where the target livestock is kept.

36.Even though the term " myiasis " was first used in 1840, such conditions have been known since ancient times.

37.As part of the family Calliphoridae " L . thatuna " is involved in myiasis, as most other blowflies are.

38.More than 14, 000 cases of large-scale myiasis due to the " C . hominivorax " species were documented.

39.However, due to its being associated with facultative myiasis, its impact on livestock in the United States is not nearly as severe.

40.Incidentally right now the articles first use of the word myiasis refers to other species instead of describing how this fly relates to myiasis.

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