| 41. | They take the photograph about a second after you press the shutter release, and by then it's sometimes too late.
| 42. | A bulb ( B ) mode is also supported ( the shutter remains open while shutter release is activated ).
| 43. | Both units also have single-exposure mode, where only a single frame is exposed when the shutter release is held down.
| 44. | Other arrangements may involve an extra lever or button that flips the mirror up before using the shutter release button normally.
| 45. | This allows the camera to be activated and operated from a two-button ( activation, focus & shutter release ) exterior control.
| 46. | This allowed the mirror to fully raise and then hold, allowing then the shutter release cycle still be at the ready.
| 47. | The lens would continuously refocus on the object in the centre of the viewfinder whilst the shutter release button was pressed half-way.
| 48. | It was deleted because your explanation ( that the photo was taken by a " remote shutter release " ) wasn't credible.
| 49. | The other photos of Denis were also taken by him with a remote shutter release, as is often done in group shots.
| 50. | Using Fuji Velvia slow-speed transparency film ( 50 ASA ) and long exposures, Lyons shot everything from a tripod with shutter release.