| 11. | Forbes's ads, however, helped soften up Dole for his top rivals.
| 12. | It softens up the greens, it softens up the golf course.
| 13. | Unless one softens up on the throttle, there will be hell to pay.
| 14. | Perhaps they were just kind words from Jordan, meant to soften up another foe.
| 15. | Guimaraes said he appealed to Gomez to help soften up Greek referee Kyros Vassaras.
| 16. | Lipson thinks their barbs are intended to soften up the magazine for eventual sale.
| 17. | You get in and soften up the muscles and break up the hardened area.
| 18. | It softens up a little and Troy starts pecking away.
| 19. | And it allows you to play relaxed because the defense softens up a bit.
| 20. | It has even cut its prices in hard-strapped areas to soften up the voters.