| 1. | The stolen base and the hit and run softens up a pitcher.
| 2. | I want all this skin to soften up a lot first ."
| 3. | This is America's team : Battle softens up a table with charm.
| 4. | Once broken-in, they wore out quickly as they continued to soften up.
| 5. | The Stars seemed to soften up as Buffalo became the pedal-to-the-metal predator.
| 6. | From this point, Jason softens up, allowing the hostages to order food.
| 7. | The technique was used to " soften up " detainees prior to interrogation.
| 8. | It softens up the greens, it softens up the golf course.
| 9. | If you want to soften up clean lines, it works well.
| 10. | And Dad is beginning to soften up around the edges, too.