| 1. | She also represented pro bono the Selective Service System board in Marksville.
| 2. | The BAE Systems board recommended that the company proceed with the sale.
| 3. | Yes, it's very likely that you may have fried your system board.
| 4. | The arcade cabinets'system board was proprietary hardware based on the Wii.
| 5. | The Athlon also is able to talk to the computer's system board faster.
| 6. | Sometime in 1999 you'll see system boards that run at 133.
| 7. | This system bus speed is not supported on this system board.
| 8. | Texas State University System Board of Regents, $ 173 million of debt securities.
| 9. | The "'Seibu SPI System "'is Seibu Kaihatsu's custom arcade system board.
| 10. | This was the last of Sega's Super Scaler series of pseudo-3D arcade system boards.