| 1. | There is an upright piano in the northeastern corner of the church.
| 2. | Used upright pianos can be purchased for less than $ 1, 000.
| 3. | Subsequently production of upright pianos was moved from Cincinnati, Ohio to Greenwood.
| 4. | "He's a blue-collar guy, sitting at a junky upright piano in Brooklyn.
| 5. | "I remember I used to play an upright piano, " she recalled.
| 6. | Marley played guitar, while Norman played an upright piano and sang backup.
| 7. | And sales of upright pianos from both factories fell even more sharply.
| 8. | Victoria Little, a Rhode Island-based seamstress, has slip-covered upright pianos and pool tables.
| 9. | Her mother played; their upright piano had belonged to her grandmother.
| 10. | Benedict also moved personal possessions to the Papal Apartments, including an upright piano.