| 1. | This visual function is useful for accounts management and exception variance reporting.
| 2. | Generally surgery results in improved appearance only and not in improved visual function.
| 3. | Recovery of visual function is expected within 10 weeks.
| 4. | The study uses visual function status to compare two intervention sequences in managing the disease.
| 5. | The young patients are receiving vision therapy, a training program designed to improve visual function.
| 6. | Visual function in blind mice can be partially restored by expressing ChR2 in inner retinal cells.
| 7. | However, diminished contrast sensitivity may cause decreased visual function in spite of normal visual acuity.
| 8. | The design attempted to reproduce with modern features the acoustic and visual functions of traditional elements like filigree.
| 9. | The majority of corneal transplants result in significant improvement in visual function for many years or a lifetime.
| 10. | Fifty percent of the human brain is dedicated to visual functions, and images are processed faster than text.