| 1. | Ament continues, looking back on the band's evolution.
| 2. | Ament stated, " Dave was a different egg for sure.
| 3. | The next day, Ament leaves and doesn't return.
| 4. | Ament was defended both by missionaries and the proponents of imperialism.
| 5. | Ament arrived back in the United States on 25 April 1901.
| 6. | "Sider Ament was the survivors only hope for salvation.
| 7. | "We really had no expectations, " says Ament.
| 8. | And that's what bothered us, " says Ament.
| 9. | MASSACHUSETTS : Falmouth Academy, Falmouth : Seth Abrams Ament.
| 10. | McCready says of a track written by Pearl Jam bassist Jeff Ament.