| 1. | It fails to refute the applicability of the reasoning of Cipollone.
| 2. | Applicability of ABC is bound to cost of required data capture.
| 3. | Critically evaluates the preparative applicability and significance of the synthetic methods.
| 4. | This model has also applicability as upper boundary to Fanno flow.
| 5. | For this reason they may still have applicability in special situations.
| 6. | The balance are somewhat borderline in terms of applicability and verifiability.
| 7. | Discrimination applies to opportunities at work or applicability for a duty.
| 8. | Disputing 1 sentence simply does not remove the applicability of BHD.
| 9. | Heuristic processing is governed by availability, accessibility, and applicability.
| 10. | Thus, it has a potential for applicability in various areas.