| 1. | Guion said pleated pants should be avoided with this boxy look.
| 2. | It is boxy still, but rounded boxy and not unattractive.
| 3. | It is boxy still, but rounded boxy and not unattractive.
| 4. | But the boxy 1400s won't win any beauty contests.
| 5. | The Zhiguli is a rudimentary economy car of boxy Soviet design.
| 6. | It's boxy, guzzles gas and spits out hubcaps.
| 7. | Subtle changes that make it look less boxy, far sleeker.
| 8. | It was boxy, with a " widescreen " aspect ratio.
| 9. | Its distinctive boxy styling and performance were praised by automotive journalists.
| 10. | :: : This question has generated some soap boxy answers.