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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > capiz का अर्थ

capiz इन हिंदी

capiz उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
1.Capiz is establishing itself as the seafood capital of the country.

2.The Capiz shell is a flat sea shell about in diameter.

3.Agmasibes in Barangay Concepcion, Municipality of Dumalag, Capiz.

4.Langub Cave can be found in Barrio Dolores, Dumalag, Capiz.

5.Capiz grew into a bustling port and houses of stone were built.

6.About 200 Japanese marines fled to Capiz Island led by Commander Tanaka.

7.It belongs to the Second Congressional District of the Province of Capiz.

8.In Samal, they propagated the pearl and capiz culture.

9.Teresa, Dumalag, Capiz came and settled in Bingawan.

10.Capiz and Aklan were the areas that sustained the most residential damage.

  अधिक वाक्य:   1  2  3  4  5
marine bivalve common in Philippine coastal waters characterized by a large thin flat translucent shell
पर्याय: window oyster, windowpane oyster, Placuna placenta,

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