| 1. | It is widely believed that he still resides in the Cayman Islands.
| 2. | The first such agreement was signed last week with the Cayman Islands.
| 3. | A long jumper from the Cayman Islands seems to thrive on adversity.
| 4. | Police in the Cayman Islands also are investigating activities relating to Bonlat.
| 5. | It is thus free of capital gains tax in the Cayman Islands.
| 6. | A tropical storm watch was posted at noon for the Cayman Islands.
| 7. | The government of the Cayman Islands also issued a tropical storm warning.
| 8. | Officials instituted a curfew in the Cayman Islands from dusk to dawn.
| 9. | The Kruegers have had permanent residence in the Cayman Islands since 1990.
| 10. | Police in the Cayman Islands are also investigating activities relating to Bonlat.