| 1. | The sounds produced are conventionalized or idiomatic signals based on speech patterns.
| 2. | Speakers use an estimated 1, 500 conventionalized gestures.
| 3. | Construction methods had been perfected and building types conventionalized.
| 4. | These are iconic, but conventionalized, and so need to be learned individually.
| 5. | The disciples' conventionalized reality is subverted.
| 6. | Instead, connector gender is conventionalized and thus can be somewhat obscure to the uninitiated.
| 7. | Modulation occurs in relatively conventionalized ways.
| 8. | Moreover, they claim that such texts are conventionalized expressions of the experience of the author.
| 9. | Symbolic gestures are iconic gestures that are widely recognized, fixed, and have conventionalized meanings.
| 10. | Bertrand Russell posits that the letter's form is a conventionalized image of a camel.