| 1. | The firm's findings led to Monday's furloughs.
| 2. | City employees have been forced to take furloughs and pay cuts.
| 3. | No-furlough clauses in the contracts will expire, however.
| 4. | A recording said the office was closed due to the furlough.
| 5. | They have been promised full pay for their days on furlough.
| 6. | The furloughs and the shutdowns make it that much more impossible.
| 7. | Food is scavenged; furloughs are based on a bribery system.
| 8. | The furlough was first reported by the San Jose Mercury News.
| 9. | The remainder of the cuts will be made through involuntary furloughs.
| 10. | There is no provision for reimbursing hospitals for the potential furloughs.