kilobaud वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्यमोबाइल
- That is the equivalent of 1, 562 modems operating at 28.8 kilobaud.
- Speeds up to 19.2 kilobaud was authorized on Amateur frequencies above 420 MHz.
- Even with a 28.8-kilobaud modem, it takes time to download all the art.
- Regardless of the modulation method being used, communication between mobile units and satellites is performed at 25 kilobaud.
- Because such a razor and blades business model requires that Money ", publisher of " Kilobaud Microcomputing"
- A number of desktop systems come with a 14.4-kilobaud-per-second modem, which is rapidly becoming yesterday's standard.
- First going by the name of " KILOBAUD ", the firm was reorganized in 1985 to reflect a favorite television show of the time " Airwolf ".
- More articles were published in magazines like " Kilobaud Microcomputing " that described home-brew software and hardware for the KIM-1 than for other development boards.
- The device has allowed cell phone and laptop users in Korea 64-kilobaud access to the Internet since July, but United States carriers have yet to set up the required frequency.
- Later, after 1981, the " kilobaud " denominated was dropped altogether and the magazine was now simply called " Microcomputing " with the subtitle, " a wayne green publication ".
- To this frame, an 11-symbol preamble and a symbol from the C L channel are added, yielding a frame size of 120 ternary symbols and a symbol rate of 120 kilobaud.
- To this frame, a 9-symbol preamble and 3 symbols from the C L channel are added, yielding a frame size of 120 quaternary symbols and a symbol rate of 80 kilobaud.
- Company officials said they are looking into the technology GTRAN is using but are content to keep offering 14.4-kilobaud Internet access and see what other next-generation technologies rise to the top of the heap.
- To the 2B + D data, an 8-bit preamble, 8 bits from the C L channel, as well as a parity bit are added, yielding a frame size of 377 bits and a baud rate of 320 kilobaud.
- The next issue of " Kilobaud Microcomputing " reported that a Commodore executive promised that the forthcoming VIC-20 would have " enough additional documentation to enable an experienced programmer / hobbyist to get inside and let his imagination work ".
- Disney's recommended system requirements for Daily Blast are relatively high end, including a Windows 95 operating system, an Intel Corp . Pentium processor and a 28.8 kilobaud modem, although it will also work with a 14.4 modem.
- By 1980 " InfoWorld " described Radio Shack as " the dominant supplier of small computers " . " Kilobaud Microcomputing " estimated that it was selling three times as many computers as Apple Computer, with both companies ahead of Commodore.
- After the success of " kilobaud ", Wayne Green diversified with magazines targeted to specific brands of home computers, such as " 80-Microcomputing " ( also known as " RUN " a magazine for Commodore 64 users and many others.
- If you're going to be Net surfing on the road, consider investing in a 28.8-kilobaud modem, either an internal one or a PC card, the new term for those credit-card-size plug-ins that used to be called PCMCIA cards.
- To set up her teleconference, Lombardi will use a camcorder that plugs into a $ 100 video capture card in a PC . A 33.6 kilobaud modem will pump the video stream over the Internet to Baltimore, where the bride's father, George Gwin, will walk down the virtual aisle, via the image on a Sony laptop.
- अधिक वाक्य: 1 2
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