| 1. | Quartz and iron mineralisation can be detected in outcrops and subsoil.
| 2. | A private company wanted to start mining this mineralisation in 2010.
| 3. | Late stage hydrothermal mineralisation has filled the joints with pectolite.
| 4. | Reconnaissance exploration for both oxide and sulphide mineralisation is planned.
| 5. | The mineralisation begins at surface and extends to depths of at least.
| 6. | The deposit also contains lesser phosphate mineralisation associated with apatite.
| 7. | This mode of preservation is known as authigenic mineralisation.
| 8. | Its degree of sclerotisation or mineralisation determines how the cuticle responds to deformation.
| 9. | About 100 Ma later a second uranium mineralisation formed.
| 10. | Copper and cobalt mineralisation occur within the ore shale.