| 1. | They had not counted on the pugnacity of King Louis XI.
| 2. | His prose and conversation were marked by bluntness and pugnacity.
| 3. | Zangwill praised Roth for his poetry and pugnacity .
| 4. | Always outspoken, sometimes irascible, Cannon earned a reputation for pugnacity.
| 5. | Durocher died in 1991, but his audacity and pugnacity got passed along.
| 6. | Of course, the old pugnacity is still there.
| 7. | Bush said, confronting European skeptics with more than a touch of pugnacity.
| 8. | Director Michael Mann has a reputation for pugnacity.
| 9. | They singled out Team Canada Assistant Coach John Ferguson for his " pugnacity ".
| 10. | He also tied human emotions, especially anger and pugnacity, to religious faith.