| 1. | Not unlike the men of " Riven Rock ."
| 2. | By the end of " Riven Rock, " we feel pity for Stanley and Katherine.
| 3. | He was the live-in psychiatrist for Stanley McCormick at his Riven Rock estate in Santa Barbara.
| 4. | A third protagonist, Eddie O Kane, is Stanley s chief nurse throughout his stay at Riven Rock.
| 5. | _" Riven Rock " by T . Coraghessan Boyle ( Viking, $ 24.95 ).
| 6. | Stanley McCormick's life inspired the 1998 novel " Riven Rock " by T . Coraghessan Boyle.
| 7. | Stanley's California vicissitudes were fictionalized in T . Coraghessan Boyle's 1998 novel, " Riven Rock ."
| 8. | _" Riven Rock " by T . C . Boyle ( Viking, $ 24.95, this month ).
| 9. | The locale of most of the story is Riven Rock, an estate located near Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, and owned by the McCormick family.
| 10. | How Riven Rock came to be McCormick's luxurious asylum, and the many failed attempts to cure him, is the subject of Boyle's seventh novel.