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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > rugger का अर्थ

rugger इन हिंदी

rugger उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
1.Both ruggers had previously played rugby during their undergraduate college years.

2.The Army Ruggers are West Point s most winning team.

3.The Annual College Sports Day always held at ruggers field.

4.The British played rugger in any kind of weather.

5.The match will be the first international rugger match between the two countries,

6.His successor was Ned Anderson, an alumnus and former rugger for the Bears.

7.During the First World War, he sought out edelweiss-rare rugger matches.

8.Like other Fordham University athletic teams, Fordham ruggers are called the Fordham Rams.

9.He is currently the coach of Associazione Sportiva Ruggers Tarvisium, since 2011 / 12.

10.While at Nalanda he excelled in studies and rugger playing for the college rugger team.

  अधिक वाक्य:   1  2  3  4  5
a form of football played with an oval ball
पर्याय: rugby, rugby football,

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