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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > americanizations उदाहरण वाक्य

americanizations उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
31.They see the Glow Puck as the symbol of the Americanization of their game.

32.But the Americanization of Israel goes far deeper.

33.The Latin Americanization of Miami is slowly chipping away at the dominant Cuban identity.

34.The Americanization of the world's venues.

35."It's the Americanization-of-the-Italian thing.

36.In an essay called " Peanuts : The Americanization of Augustine,"

37.Swamp pop is really a part of Americanization,

38.The name Wappo is an Americanization of the General Vallejo and his enlisted allies.

39.Americanization in sports can be seen in the British Virgin Islands, as well.

40.Americanization is a sub-category of modernization, as Swanson and Mancini define:

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