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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > americanizations उदाहरण वाक्य

americanizations उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
41.The concept of Americanization in election campaign communication has been criticized in different ways.

42.French businessmen did not like the American tone, and were fearful of Americanization.

43.When the country opened its formerly protected markets in the 1980s, modernization meant Americanization.

44.Some legal observers have called this the " Americanization " of libel law.

45.Where I depart with Stokely is in his total rejection of the Americanization of blacks.

46.The second is that globalization, however it is caricatured, is not merely Americanization.

47.He will rebel into respectability and Americanization.

48.AMERICANIZE-REVIEW ( Undated ) _ Americanization : It isn't American anymore.

49.Another sign of the Americanization of Asia?

50.She is writing a book called " Muslims on the Americanization Path ."

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