| 31. | The first prism is usually called the polarizer and the second prism is called the analyser.
| 32. | An analyser can be a piece of hardware or a computer program running on a computer.
| 33. | The analyser had been lent to the University of Pennsylvania for the duration of the war.
| 34. | TRACO uses the Omega Calculator, CLOOG and ISL libraries, and the Petit dependence analyser.
| 35. | A typical thermal helium analyser comprises two chambers, each with an identical thermal conductivity sensor.
| 36. | Mechanical integrators were key elements in the mechanical differential analyser, used to solve practical physical problems.
| 37. | In 2012, OAG launched OAG Analyser to deliver airline schedule analysis via an online accessible tool.
| 38. | Sentiment Analyser is a technology framework in the field of Social Business Intelligence that leverages Informatica products.
| 39. | Sentiment Analyser frame work enables businesses to understand customer experience and ideates ways to enhance customer satisfaction.
| 40. | This machine had 12 integrators, and was the largest analyser built for a period of four years.