| 1. | Where and refer to three arbitrary settings of the two analysers.
| 2. | Many methods of introducing samples into the analyser have been invented.
| 3. | The monochromator is usually a concentric hemispherical analyser ( CHA ).
| 4. | PSpice later included a waveform viewer and analyser program called Probe.
| 5. | These analysers must also undergo daily, weekly and monthly maintenances.
| 6. | Train captains receive breath analyser tests when they report for duty.
| 7. | The results of the Analyser identify the type of vision defect.
| 8. | See also the editor interaction analyser with other recent socks :.
| 9. | The analyser then enables the light to be transmitted through the isolator.
| 10. | Some analysers require samples to be transferred to sample cups.