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अंग्रेजी-हिंदी > macadamized उदाहरण वाक्य

macadamized उदाहरण वाक्य

उदाहरण वाक्य
11.In his capacity as alderman, he was a successful advocate for the " macadamizing " of public roads.

12.In January 1905, local citizens asked that Western Avenue be created and macadamized from Westmoreland Circle to Chevy Chase Circle.

13.In 1847, the General Assembly authorized the County Court to borrow $ 50, 000 to macadamize all of Gravois Road.

14.Upon receiving her husband's inheritance, she suggested macadamizing the streets of and Sharon, Connecticut for use of automobiles.

15.Bardstown Road was originally a turnpike ( with a macadamized surface ), and tolls were collected at toll gates along the way.

16.The macadamized road enabled fast movement of heavy wagon trains and gun carriages even during rainy weather, when dirt roads turned into mud.

17.Transit Street was macadamized in this year, the German Lutheran church was built, and in December the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Emmaus Society was organized.

18.In 1917, the town's boundaries were expanded, the streets were macadamized, and public water and electricity were brought into the town.

19.In 1845, industrialist Peter Gorman was responsible for the first macadamized ( paved ) road in Laurel, Avondale Street next to the new Mill.

20.In 1845, Peter Gorman was responsible for the first macadamized ( paved ) road in Laurel, Avondale Street next to the new Avondale Mill.

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