| 11. | He has accused Ms . Bhutto of corruption, incompetence and vindictiveness.
| 12. | It is either vindictiveness ( by the government ) or sheer incompetence.
| 13. | It is pure vindictiveness, and not against vandals or even socks.
| 14. | Decisions are sometimes made with some vindictiveness to them.
| 15. | We will not go in for vindictiveness or revenge,
| 16. | Bitterness and vindictiveness became ingrained in the German psyche.
| 17. | However, Byrd's vindictiveness toward Almond eventually undermined the Byrd Organization.
| 18. | Common criminality and vindictiveness could have motivated some or many of the killings.
| 19. | I am not so easily scared away, by petty and irrational vindictiveness.
| 20. | I tried to write the article without bitterness, without complaining, without vindictiveness.