| 21. | The decision is nothing short of petty vindictiveness.
| 22. | I think some people would call that vindictiveness.
| 23. | :* The vindictiveness extends to retaliatory editing.
| 24. | "Alice in Chains " ( Columbia ) moves from torment to vindictiveness.
| 25. | This is not about punishment and vindictiveness.
| 26. | And it may appear to be partisan vindictiveness to individuals who worship the former president.
| 27. | He is my longtime friend, a stalwart on privacy and totally devoid of vindictiveness.
| 28. | There will be bad feelings, vindictiveness.
| 29. | This is clearly a case of petty vindictiveness, justified under the aegis of policy.
| 30. | You are looking to delete it out vindictiveness, retaliation and to diffuse your competition.