Research Background : A senior clastic sedimentologist and stratigrapher with a broad international and domestic experience base.
The sedimentologist Francis Shepard classified coasts as " primary " or " secondary ".
It was developed by the Austrian meteorologist and sedimentologist Felix Maria Exner, from whom it derives its name.
"I was astonished, " said Dave Rubin, a U . S . Geological Survey sedimentologist, who participated in the review.
"' Lawrence Alexander Hardie "'( January 13, 1933 December 17, 2013 ) was an American geologist, sedimentologist, and geochemist.
He also worked in petroleum exploration as a specialist sedimentologist, and as a researcher in continental shelf, coral reef and coastal geology, specialising in carbonate sedimentation.
In addition to her academic positions she has worked as Shipboard Sedimentologist on the Ocean Drilling Program ( Leg 159 Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Transform Margin ) January to February 1995.
Craig Fulthorpe, a research associate at the UT institute, is a sedimentologist who will help measure changes in the rocky cores as they are drilled, a process called logging-while-drilling.
"You can't make new beaches unless you have new sand to work with, " said David Rubin, a sedimentologist at the U . S . Geological Survey in Santa Cruz, Calif.