| 1. | We hook up everything : gloves, squeegee, except sponge.
| 2. | Take the squeegee and wipe the blade with a damp cloth.
| 3. | Squeegees also stand ready if greens need to be swept off.
| 4. | But it's also easy to spot a squeegee man.
| 5. | He had one tool left : a short metal squeegee handle.
| 6. | Although the greens had to be squeegeed, they never flooded.
| 7. | With a metal or rubber squeegee, scrape off the film.
| 8. | Meanwhile, his trusted squeegee is now a part of history.
| 9. | :I doubt it has anything to do with squeegee people.
| 10. | In a January 1994 article on " squeegee men,"