We can also test where we think objects are, हम चीज़े कहाँ है इसके बारे में भी परीक्षण कर सकते है,
I do experiments to test how different chemicals मैं प्रयोगों से कैसे अलग रसायन हमारे मस्तिष्क में
Select Test to launch Empathy, then configure it to connect to the following service. Once you have completed the test, please quit Empathy to continue here. एमएसएन(MSN)
Select Test to launch Empathy, then configure it to connect to the following service. Once you have completed the test, please quit Empathy to continue here. एमएसएन(MSN)
Use only the local spam tests (no DNS). स्थानीय स्पैम परीक्षण का सिर्फ उपयोग करें (कोई DNS नहीं).
The inner DOM node associated with the hit test result. आंतरिक डोम नोड हिट परीक्षा परिणाम के साथ जुड़े.
Done. Test your survey using the %s icon. किया है. टेस्ट में अपने %s का उपयोग सर्वेक्षण चिह्न है.
Right now, if you want to test water in the field, अभी अगर हम खेतों में पानी का परीक्षण करना चाहे तो
This was given to us by NBC Dateline to test. यह हमें परीक्षण करने के लिए NBC Dateline द्वारा दिया गया था।
You may need your eye tested . आप को अपनी दृष्टि का परीक्षण कराने की ज़रूरत हो सकती है ।
the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial" पर्याय: trial, run,
the act of undergoing testing; "he survived the great test of battle"; "candidates must compete in a trial of skill" पर्याय: trial,
any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; "the test was standardized on a large sample of students" पर्याय: mental test, mental testing, psychometric test,
a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
trying something to find out about it; "a sample for ten days free trial"; "a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain" पर्याय: trial, trial run, tryout,
a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge; "when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions" पर्याय: examination, exam,
undergo a test; "She doesn''t test well"
examine someone''s knowledge of something; "The teacher tests us every week"; "We got quizzed on French irregular verbs" पर्याय: quiz,
determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
achieve a certain score or rating on a test; "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"
put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe" पर्याय: prove, try, try out, examine, essay,
test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus" पर्याय: screen,
show a certain characteristic when tested; "He tested positive for HIV"