Some of the units were , however , of uneconomic size . फिर भी कुछ इकाइयों का आकार अत्यधिक अनार्थिक था .
' Species ' is the most specific unit of classification . ' प्रजाति ' वर्गीकरण की सर्वाधिक विशिष्ट इकाई है .
David Walters, Housing Support Unit, DETR, Zone 2/A4, Eland House, London SW1E 5DU (David Walters DETR , Housing Support Unit, DETR, Zone 2/A4, Eland House ,London SW1E 5DU )
David Walters, Housing Support Unit, DETR, Zone 2/A4, Eland House, London SW1E 5DU (David Walters DETR , Housing Support Unit, DETR, Zone 2/A4, Eland House ,London SW1E 5DU )
The unit in which distances can be measured in the context ईकाई जिसमें दूरी को संदर्भ के अनुसार मापा जायेगा
For several years this unit did good work there . इस जत्थे ने अनेक वर्षों तक वहां अच्छा काम किया .
For that, we use an initial measurement unit. यह करने के लिए हम एक मापक यंत्र का उपयोग करते है|
Number of units for determining a default reminder तयशुदा संसूचक निर्धारित करने के लिए इकाइयों की संख्या
Keep count of how many units you drink each week . सप्ताह भर में पी जाने वाली शराब की मात्रा का नियमन करें .
Display Audio Unit effects in graphical mode ऑडियो यूनिट प्रभावों को सुचित्रित मोड में प्रदर्शित करें
an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity; "how big is that part compared to the whole?"; "the team is a unit" पर्याय: whole,
a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another"
an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit" पर्याय: social unit,
a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids" पर्याय: building block,
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume" पर्याय: unit of measurement,
an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit"