| 1. | From Lisbon, McCarry moved on to the nearby Youngstown Vindicator.
| 2. | The Vindicator, Youngstown's paper, is less cautious.
| 3. | March 7, The ( Youngstown ) Vindicator, March 7:
| 4. | These members were Guardian, Vindicator, Puck, and Shaman.
| 5. | Throughout the 1930s, it flew the SB2U-1 Vindicator.
| 6. | He was killed by Alpha Flight but Vindicator escapes with Claire.
| 7. | "Vindicator " was ordered on 26 September 1980.
| 8. | To make things worse, Vindicator has sided with him.
| 9. | Vindicator, Youngstown, Ohio, on North Korea:
| 10. | Fleming piloted a Vought SB2U Vindicator dive bomber in an attack on the.