| 1. | Those Bruins looked like they had been prepped with Demerol.
| 2. | He hit bottom in 1979, adding Demerol injections to his menu.
| 3. | Now he orders a smidgen of Demerol to take off the edge.
| 4. | His wife, Dorothy, had anorexia and was addicted to Demerol.
| 5. | The pain made the Demerol evaporate like sweat on a sidewalk in hell.
| 6. | I was still in a haze from the morning's shot of Demerol.
| 7. | First, it was percocet, then Demerol, then Vicoden, then morphine.
| 8. | Sanofi Pharmaceuticals tries to guard against the misuse of Demerol by controlling its distribution.
| 9. | Hospital administrators realized then that injectable Demerol was being taken improperly from the hospital.
| 10. | Drugs like Demerol and Valium are often used.