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handcuff वाक्य

"handcuff" हिंदी मेंhandcuff in a sentence
उदाहरण वाक्यमोबाइल
  • Contrary to the procedure in the court , they were seated handcuffed behind an iron railing on a bench .
    अदालत की कार्यवाही के विपरीत उन्हें हथकड़ी लगाकर कठघरे के अंदर एक बेंच पर बिठाया गया था .
  • The court recorded the shouts and ordered the police to handcuff both the hands of each of the accused .
    अदालत ने इन नारों को दर्ज किया और पुलिस को दोनों अभियुक़्तों के दोनों हाथों में हथकड़ी लगाने का आदेश दिया .

handcuff sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for handcuff? handcuff English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.